Utility Tautliner

The Tautliner loads like a flatbed and protects like a van, providing three-way simultaneous access. Utility Tautliner can also be custom built with a variety of options to meet your operational requirements.

Light weight superstucture

Optional curtain strap
Some Features
Weather-proof curtain
Full load bearing and built with a superior 3×2 weave, Utility Tautliner curtains are the strongest in the industry. Designed to provide superior load protection in all kinds of weather, our long-lasting and durable curtains mean low maintenance and greater performance for improved greater profits.
High strength curtains
Made of PVC-coated polyester fabric with a 3×2 weave, Utility-designed and manufactured curtains are almost twice as strong as the standard competitors’ 2×2 curtain weave, ensuring longer curtain life.
Tautliner’s three-way simultaneous access means faster loading and unloading capabilities. It eliminates first-on, last-off load-planning problems, ensuring quicker deliveries and improved profitability.
Light weight superstucture
The Tautliner’s light weight yet heavy-duty superstructure is fabricated with aluminum top rails and bonded roof bows for superior strength with less weight. Front wall and rear doors are built for maximum protection and durability as well as greater payload capacity.
Hat-shaped top flange
The 80K steel hat-shaped top flange provides added lateral stability adding to a longer trailer life.
Aluminum floor with hardwood nailing strips
Two hardwood nailing strips are integrated into the strong aluminum deck for greater cargo securement versatility.